
“Escape of Water” (EoW) is widely acknowledged to be a major problem for the insurance industry. Burst pipes and their consequences are estimated to cost insurers at least £1.8m in claims every day and last winter’s “Beast from the East” cost them £194m in one quarter alone according to the Insurance Times. Whereas older properties…

Fashionable Investing

The role that fashion plays amongst investors is often underestimated. One would be forgiven for thinking that investment policy is driven principally by expected future financial returns but with the rise of ethical investment funds, this is not necessarily the case and perhaps never has been. “Sin” stocks are increasingly traded at a discount and…

Recycling in the Anthropocene Age

I think it’s fairly safe to say that technological advances on their own will not reduce per capita use of the Earth’s resources. That requires different ways of doing things, some new regulation and above all, changes in attitudes amongst consumers themselves to what they actually need. The Brookings Institution predicts that the “global middle…

Trypanophobia Investin’!

Fear of needles (trypanophobia) is a surprisingly common thing. Approximately 20% of the general population have some fear of injections and about half of those have an acute fear of them! With modern medicine making increased use of blood tests and injectable medications, foregoing medical treatment because of a fear of needles can be dangerous…

Não Joga Lixo!

The simple act of compelling larger retailers to charge 5p on plastic bags in England at the end of 2015 has had a dramatic effect on people’s behaviour – you now see shoppers emerging from supermarkets with trolleys filled with an assortment of reusable household bags rather than the one-off sort. The insistence of the…

Não Joga Lixo!

The simple act of compelling larger retailers to charge 5p on plastic bags in England at the end of 2015 has had a dramatic effect on people’s behaviour – you now see shoppers emerging from supermarkets with trolleys filled with an assortment of reusable household bags rather than the one-off sort. The insistence of the…